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New Data Tracking and Goal Bank Resources

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We are excited to announce that subscribers now have access to our brand new informal data tracking and goal bank for our Social Communication Curriculum!

These evidence-based resources support teachers and professionals with goal setting, data tracking, and assessment of Everyday Speech’s Social Communication skills and goals.

Assessment and Data Tracking Sheets

screenshot of informal assessment

This informal tool aims to collect measurable data and track student progress over time. You can find a Data Tracking and Assessment sheet for each Social Communication goal. Take pre-assessment data at the beginning of the school year or at the beginning of therapy sessions. Then, track intervention data in the blank cells provided. Finally, fill in the post-assessment data at least two more times over the course of the year. That’s it! The results of these assessments can be used to report growth, strengths, and areas to improve.

Goal Bank

The Goal Bank is a collection of goals written by our team of in-house clinicians. Each goal aligns with a Social Communication Curriculum skill. Goals will vary depending on the Everyday Speech material(s) you’re using. You can customize goals by selecting the descriptions (listed in blue) that best fit your learner’s needs!

Where to find these resources on the Social-Emotional Learning Platform:

Each of these printable resources can be found on our Social-Emotional Learning Platform in the Full Curriculum page under “Data Resources.” You can also find them in the “My Classroom” tab. Go to “My Saved Lists,” then select “Data Resources.”

While our current version exists as printable PDFs, a digital data tracking solution is on our roadmap for the future! 

We hope you enjoy these new tools! Happy Teaching!

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“I love that everything is easily accessible and broken down into grade levels, which helps me to determine which sections work best for the groups I am serving. I work with all ages elementary through high school and this is a one-stop shop for me!! I just love it!!”

– Dr. Chrisonia Busch, CCC-SLP Ed. D. Speech Pahtologist
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