No Prep SEL Lesson For Pre-K & Kindergarten

Introducing Everyday Speech’s new Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum! SEL, or Social-Emotional Learning, is an integral part of educational and human development and ultimately contributes to safe & healthy individuals and communities. Here at Everyday Speech, it is our job to help you make a difference through easy, effective & fun SEL lessons for all students!

Our evidence-based SEL solution offers a full 40 week, grade-by-grade curriculum that is standards-based and CASEL-aligned. It includes ready-made lessons with a variety of videos, games, interactive activities, school wide initiatives and more! 


About our SEL Curriculum

Our mission is to provide SEL for All, so with our SEL curriculum you’ll have the tools and materials necessary to support each and every one of your students regardless of their differing needs or type of instruction they require. 

Our SEL Curriculum is commonly taught by educators who work in whole-class settings (i.e Gen. Ed Teachers, Social Workers, Counselors, Psychologists, SEL Coordinators, etc.). This varies from our previous Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) which is taught by specialists such as Speech-Language Pathologists for students who need direct support to learn social skills.

To learn more about our two different curricula and choose one that is best for you and your learners, check out “Which Everyday Speech Curriculum is best for me?”  


Your No-Prep Lesson Materials

Today, we’re going to walk through one of our lessons for Pre-K and Kindergarten, Labeling Feelings.


Every lesson comes with the following (click the link to jump to the section):



Fill out the form below to get all the materials you need to teach this lesson, plus our scope and sequence sent to your email.

Teaching Tools

We wanted to make our lessons as easy as possible for you to dive in, so every lesson starts with teaching tools. These include all of the quick and easy information and resources you will need to successfully teach the lesson, including a full Lesson Plan!


Main Lesson Materials

Onto the star of the show, our lesson materials. For Pre-K and Kindergarten we have broken down the lesson into two sections: Warmup and Learn.

These two short sections can be taught in one 15 minute teaching session or they can be broken up throughout the week! 

Begin your SEL lesson with the 5 minute Warmup. In this short mindfulness video, your students will get ready for learning with a wiggle and jump break!

You can press play on the video below to watch it! 


After completing the Warmup, you can head onto the Learn section of the lesson. Each week the Learn section alternates between an SEL video and an SEL activity! For this lesson, your students will participate in an SEL interactive activity called Feeling Charades that teaches them about identifying and labeling feelings!

This activity can be printed out and completed or played on screen!



Unit Summaries and School Wide Bulletin Boards

We’ve included some helpful PDFs to make sharing with families and across your school even easier!

We also provide pre & post assessments to track your learners progress throughout each unit! 

As you can see, our new SEL curriculum makes it easy on educators with truly no-prep lessons and provides students with the highest quality materials to create fun and engaging experiences. 

To get our scope and sequence and all the materials for this lesson sent to your email, fill out this form.

If you’re interested in seeing more samples, check out our samples page.

If you’re interested in getting started with our full curriculum, head here.

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